'Ghost Stories I Remember' published last year by Colossive Press is exhibited as part of the World Book Night 2023 exhibition 'We Remember' at Bristol UWE Bower Ashton Library.
The exhibition features work that celebrates Joe Brainard's seminal, experimental memoir 'I Remember', hence the inclusion of 'Ghost Stories I Remember' which adapts the 'I Remember' approach and applies it specifically to memories relating to supernatural encounters.. The exhibition will later travel to Japan.
It is curated by Sarah Bodman and Linda Parr. The exhibition runs from 20th April to 30th of June
'Ghost stories I Remember' has also just gone into it's second print run and you can grab a copy here.....
More info on the exhibition can be found here....
'I Remember once on a rainy night walking down a lane that ran alongside Devonshire Park in Keighley, with my pal John Bailey. By a wall that stood in front of a nun's house, where I had attended meetings to prepare for my confirmation a couple of years earlier, I saw an apparition. It was white and glowing and had the outline of a tall woman. I said to John, ' 'What the hell is that?'. He replied, 'It's a ghost!' and he laughed, but we weren't scared, because it was simply there and so it just seemed rather matter-of-fact. As we moved closer, the figure vanished. |