DIY Kylie T-shirt

This is a repost of a Kylie T-shirt I was commissioned to make a few years ago. I accidentally deleted it when updating stuff on the site the other day so here it is again. Kylie is the epitome of pop success and have been a big fan since she first hit the charts in 1987.

Davidsen and Wray -My Big Idea EP

I am very excited to announce the release of the 'My Big Idea EP' My first music release since early 2010.It was never my intention to leave Blue Nile length gaps between releases but that is the way it panned out this time. This limited edition 3 track EP was recorded in collaboration with Norwegian singer-songwriter Mats Davidsen (best known for his work with Wallpaper Silhouettes and Painted Romans)
The collaboration came about after Jonathan Leonard of respected music review site Leonard's Lair drew my attention to Mat's music and I bought his excellent Painted Romans album 'Evil Whigs and Bedroom Moments' After much online banter and swapping of out of print 80's pop albums like Fiat Lux 'Hired History' and 'Shades of Liberty' by Silent Running we decided that our mutual enthusiasm for certain areas of 80's pop rock justified a collaboration. The first thing we collaborated on was a song called 'Power Ballad' which I made a video for which can be seen here....
  We then progressed to recording an EP via exchanging demo's online and recording our individual parts separately. Mats records all his music on vintage synth equipment and brings them into focus with modern digital technology. You can get a stronger sense of his process here.....
I have never met or physically spoken to Mats Davidsen (something I should rectify) especially now we have made this fine EP which you can buy on limited edition cassette (cassette comes with a download code) or download here....