
Isolation Sketches

Like many people around the globe I currently find myself with a bit more time on my hands. I have spent some of this time filling up some sketchbooks. With no immediate end to the current crisis gripping the world it is possible that there may be a few more posts of my sketchbooks to come. Until then stay safe and say in!





Here We Come


Bruce Grove

Lead Baloon

Digital Sketch Experiments

Manic Street Preachers


No Friends

Pre-order 'The Flood that did Come' Bundle from Avery Hill

You can now pre-order with 20% discount my forthcoming book 'The Flood that Did Come' as a bundle with three other excellent tomes from my publisher Avery Hill.

Much more detail to come about my graphic novel 'The Flood that did Come' in the coming months.

Our Spring 2020 Titles Bundle! 4 amazing books at nearly 20% discount, with additional limited edition incentives!
Ships June 2020
(Incentives shall be announced and added as we get closer to the date)
These are strictly limited to 50 sets.

All details here....

The other books are.....
Victory Point by Oliver Pomery
Zebedee and the Valentines by Abs Bailey
What We Don't Talk About by Charlot Kristensen